Effective October 10, 2017, Hometown Family Medicine will close. Last month, a release of information form was sent to all of our patients. If records are transferred to another provider, this can be processed without charge. However, if you request to receive copies of your records, there will be a copying fee charged based on number of pages produced. 

    After October 10th, records will be stored and managed by a HIPAA compliant outside vendor. Any record requests received after October 10th will be handled by this company. Additional fees may be assessed by the vendor along with copying fees. After October 10th, I will update this site again to provide direct contact information for the records storage vendor. 

    As I mentioned in the mailing, it has been a pleasure to be your physician and I wish each of you a healthy and happy future. 

    Dr. Linnea Williams
Dr. Linnea Williams, Board Certified Family Physician

Our physical bodies are interwoven with our emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Each needs to be maintained, healed, and honored for the whole to work efficiently, creatively, and lovingly....We have been given such a gift in the form of our bodies, which are incredible machines, more wondrous than we can imagine. They deserve our respect, care and appreciation. 

   -Sue Patton Thoele
The Woman's Book of Courage

Hometown Family Medicine
 A medical home to call your own.
Hometown Family Medicine
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